Michael Späth
2015-10-20 09:56:24 UTC
First of all: Great software! I really love every tiny bit of it :-)
Buuuuuuut.... I have a problem which was very hard to tackle for me:
YPort drops incoming packets (Host -> EtherSex) when they are sent too fast.
I have built a very basic example: Arduino Nano Pro with ENC28J60 mini
board (eBay). TX and RX are shorted to enable a loopback. I tested
several modules, just to avoid hardware issues.
I can connect with
nc IP 7970
and it echoes just fine.
But when I run this simple python script:
import socket, time
host = your_ip_goes_here
port = 7970
s = socket.create_connection((host, port))
while True:
# time.sleep(0.05)
it will print exactly once 12345 and then it stalls: The reason is quite
simple, it runs the loop once and then the next send will NOT deliver
the packet. It will say so, and Wireshark also sees the packet, but
EtherSex somehow drops it.
If you comment in the "sleep", everything works fine. I found EtherSex
needs at least 20-30msec between ethernet packets, otherwise it just
drops them (huh? it's TCP!).
YPort was configured with all different settings: Buffer sizes 128, 256,
384 and Flush set to 0 and 1 - nothing changes.
I am also using a tuned 5V power supply with 2.4A - just to drop voltage
issues, too :-) All connections are either soldered or pins and sockets,
no flying wires.
Any ideas on this problem?
First of all: Great software! I really love every tiny bit of it :-)
Buuuuuuut.... I have a problem which was very hard to tackle for me:
YPort drops incoming packets (Host -> EtherSex) when they are sent too fast.
I have built a very basic example: Arduino Nano Pro with ENC28J60 mini
board (eBay). TX and RX are shorted to enable a loopback. I tested
several modules, just to avoid hardware issues.
I can connect with
nc IP 7970
and it echoes just fine.
But when I run this simple python script:
import socket, time
host = your_ip_goes_here
port = 7970
s = socket.create_connection((host, port))
while True:
# time.sleep(0.05)
it will print exactly once 12345 and then it stalls: The reason is quite
simple, it runs the loop once and then the next send will NOT deliver
the packet. It will say so, and Wireshark also sees the packet, but
EtherSex somehow drops it.
If you comment in the "sleep", everything works fine. I found EtherSex
needs at least 20-30msec between ethernet packets, otherwise it just
drops them (huh? it's TCP!).
YPort was configured with all different settings: Buffer sizes 128, 256,
384 and Flush set to 0 and 1 - nothing changes.
I am also using a tuned 5V power supply with 2.4A - just to drop voltage
issues, too :-) All connections are either soldered or pins and sockets,
no flying wires.
Any ideas on this problem?